Adena Springs Tour 2018
On Monday June 4th, several members had a fantastic tour at Adena Springs in Aurora. Many thanks go out to Sean Smullen who hosted us and toured us
around this beautiful facility, Diane Smullen who helped arrange it, and Pierrette Legros our clinic director who coordinated it all. What a place! We enjoyed a tour of the Stallion Barn, witnessed a
breeding, looked through a microscope, saw the jumper barn, arena (WOW) and got some great shots from the hilltop overlooking the farm. We also saw the main training barns, and the foaling barn. We
were made welcome by all the staff and enjoyed a behind the scenes look at how this top class racing facility operates. Thank you to everyone who had the patience to answer our questions. If you
missed the tour, here are a couple of pics (although they don't do the place justice!).